Release 5.00 is a complete rewrite and cleanup of the kernel code. It is the most advanced version of ooRexx to date, currently in Beta.
A wide array of examples that gets you underway quickly with ooRexx. Some taken from RosettaCode and others from the extensive documentation.
Some key documents from the history of Rexx and ooRexx. Rexx is in existence since 1979 and Object Rexx was first released in 1995.
The ooRexx interpreter gives you a choice of several user interface technologies: from ooDialog on Windows to QT on Linux to Java Swing and JavaFX.
The interpreter has an instant turnaround and can be integrated in any appplication. many libraries available for acces to middleware.
Accompanied by IBM's professionaly written documentation for the interpreter program product.
The IntelliJ IDEA Plugin is available for syntax coloring and on-the-fly error detection while editing.
BSF4ooRexx hands you the complete JVM Runtime libraries, scriptable from ooRexx.